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Safety & security

We strongly recommend the use of a neck wallet or money belt while travelling, for the safe keeping of your passport, air tickets, travelers’ cheques, cash and other valuable items. Leave your valuable jewellery at home – you won’t need it while travelling. Many of the hotels we use have safety deposit boxes, which is the most secure way of storing your valuables. A lock is recommended for securing your luggage.

Protests and Demonstrations- Sometime mostly in city area protests and demonstrations may happen. If you are in an area where demonstrators or protesters are gathering, avoid the temptation of staying for a good photo opportunity and leave the area immediately.

Water based activities like swimming have an element of danger and excitement built into them. We recommend only participating in water based activities when accompanied by a guide. It is always at your own risk.


We advise travel insurance to all travelers are interested of trekking in Nepal. Trekking in Nepal is walking in the trail (path) of mountains. In mountain areas health treatment facilities are not standard. There are less available of good hospitals and doctors. So if in case the trekker suffers from severe sickness, he should bring to Kathmandu by helicopter for better treatment. And the helicopter charter fare is expensive in Nepal. If you have already travel insurance, your money will be saved.

When selecting a travel insurance policy we require that at a minimum you are covered for medical expenses including emergency repatriation. We strongly recommend that the policy also covers personal liability, cancellation, curtailment and loss of luggage and personal effects. We Himalayan Smile Treks and Adventures Pvt. Ltd. shall have no liability for loss, theft of or damage to baggage or personal effects.

We also let you know that Nepalese Insurance Company does not have travel insurance policy for foreign nationals. They have this policy only for Nepalese citizens. So we advise you do your travel insurance with Insurance Company in your own place.

If in case the insurance company in your place do not have such insurance police you may contact Ihi Bupa, the Insurance Company based in Denmark. They sell such insurance policy to foreigners. You may visit their website: and contact them online. You can buy their policy online.