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Trekking grades

Trekking grades in Nepal is necessary to know which trek matches most with your physical capabilities in order to enjoy your trekking in Nepal. Thus, we have categorized all our treks in the following ranks.

1. Grade A (^)

This is also called easy grade. Obviously easiest trip are designed to enjoy each and every one,even for family groups with younger children. We offered wide range of easy trek for which trekker  have to physically fit only that means need stamina of walking 5-6 hour in a day.In this grade trekker have to pass up to 3000 meter of altitude, with 7 – 10 days of trekking camp.Who leads a reasonably active life can pass these trekking trips easily.

2 . Grade B (^^)

This trip is slightly tough then easy trek. Here also fresher to can go in this trek but they need to be more enthusiastic with little more challenging penitence and energetic. In this grade children may not be suitable because trek will reach elevation approaching 4000 meter of altitude,around 7 hours of walk mixed with some longer and shorter walks. The trekking is no more than 14 days trip in this grade.

3. Grade C (^^^)

Grade C trekking condition are tough trekking which need a lot of stamina for long walk with little knowledge of techniques for steeper up and down on well at hill. Here climbing exceed 5000 meter of altitude but not the rope climbing skill is required. Trek at this level can be made for time period of 7 – 15 days and the walk is not more the 7 hours per day. You might get high altitude symptoms like headache, dizziness, breathlessness, disorientation but your experience guide will minimize the chance of getting sickness by make you prior preparation and proper acclimation.

4. Grade D (^^^^)

In this grade trekking might be more adventures by which trekkers have to be excellent level of high tolerance and fitness.Mountaineering experience is more suitable because you might have some rope climbing as well as heavy snow need to be cross.So, mental and physical stamina is required around period 25 days of trekking with daily walking around 7 hours per day and altitude will often exceed 5000 meter of altitude.