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Why trekking in nepal ?

Why trekking in Nepal a trek in Nepal is a unique and unforgettable experience for a whole lot of reasons but four in particular stand out:

Mountain Scenery
Eight out of fourteen highest mountains above 8000 m in the world are in Nepal. When you do trekking you see high mountains. Mountain sceneries are the major attractions of trekking in Nepal. Most of the trekking starts from the tropical lowlands to alpine meadows and glacial moraines. On the way trekker encounter spring, rivers, forest, different species of plants, animals. In the spring time rhododendrons and flowers blooming in the hill side give extra flavor to trekking.

People and Culture
The majority of Nepal’s population lives in tiny villages. Surprising thing is that those villages belong to different communities. On single trekking route trekkers meet people from different ethnic groups. They have their own language, custom and culture. One of the fascinations of trekking is to observe their different life style. Normally trekkers pass through villages inhabited by groups of Sherpas, Magars, Gurungs and Tamangs in highland area. And Bramins, Chhetris and Newars in the lower altitude places. Their friendliness hospitality, smiling faces impress all the trekkers. According to the data most of trekkers after once trekking in Nepal again come back to Nepal for trekking not only for the views of mountain but to visit people and villages.

Not only is beautiful scenery and interesting people but also as the safety people choose Nepal as their holiday destination. Theft, robbery, assaults all the problems of western civilization and many Asian countries are still relatively unknown in Nepal. Trekkers can walk freely for many days without any fear. However it is advisable to trek in group of at least two persons with a porter and guide. More better to trek with an organized trekking agency.

It is well to remember that the Himalayas begin where other mountains finish. Whether you begin your trek at a roadbed or fly into a remote mountain airstrip, a large part of your trek will be in the middle hills region at an elevation between 1000 meters and 3000 meters but the trek to Everest base camp will reach 5545 meters. Most of the time you will be within the altitude range 1500 to 2000 meters. In this region there are always well developed trails through villages and across mountain passes. Even at high altitudes there are intermittent settlements used in the summer by herders, so the trails, though often indistinct, are always there. All trails are easily traversed without the aid of ropes or any mountaineering skill.