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Some dos & don’t

  • The form of greeting in Nepal is “NAMASTE” and is performed by joining the palms together.
  • Before entering a Nepalese home, temple, and stupa remember to remove your shoes.
  • Be careful not to use your spoon, fork or a hand being used for your eating to touch other’s food, plate, cooking utensil or the serving dish. Do not eat from other people’s plate and do not drink from other people’s bottle or glass. It is considered impure by the Nepalese.
  • Never touch anything with your feet. This is considered an offence among Nepalese. While traveling dress appropriately. Women should specially avoid dressing in skimpy outfits.
  • Seek permission first before entering a Hindu temple. Many Hindu temples do not allow westerners or non-Hindus to enter.
  • Leather articles are prohibited to be taken inside the temple precinct.
  • Walking around temples or stupas is traditionally done clockwise.
  • Take photographs only after receiving permission for the object or person being photographed.
  • Public displays of affection between man and woman are frowned upon. Do not do something that is totally alien to our environment.
  • Remember, many times, when a person shakes his head from left to right, he may mean “Yes”.
  • Develop a genuine interest to meet and talk to Nepalese people and respect their local customs.